Home Health The Essential Usages for the Vitamin D Now

The Essential Usages for the Vitamin D Now


The benefits of vitamin D in the formation of bones and teeth are already known. More recently, research has pointed out its possible effect on various body systems, such as the immune and circulatory systemsand, among them, also the breeder.

  • “Some studies began to appear showing some relationship between vitamin D and fertility since 2008 and 2009”, says Jorge Haddad, specialist in assisted reproduction at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp).

The Medical benefits

The medical journal European Journal of Endocrinology published a review, conducted by researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria, which collected relevant studies on the relationship between vitamin D and fertility, published until October 2011.

  • The review pointed out that there is a correlation between lower levels of vitamin D and low fertility.

The 비타민 d deficiency (which affects 76.5% of residents in the city of São Paulo during the winter, dropping to only 37.3% during the summer (according to research published by researchers from USP and UNIFESP in 2010) is associated with the occurrence and sustainability virtually all autoimmune diseases or manifestations such as:

  • multiple sclerosis
  • allergies

Other disorders not directly related to autoimmunity are also associated with vitamin D deficiency (facilitated, induced or favored by it), such as:

  • cancer,
  • hypertension
  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular accidents
  • osteopenia and osteoporosis
  • depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • schizophrenia
  • infertility
  • congenital malformations
  • chronic pain (including fibromyalgia and migraine),
  • neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s)

Another reason that can decrease vitamin D levels is obesity, since because it is fat-soluble it would stock up on body fat and your blood levels would be lower.Thus, this would be one of the reasons for the higher incidence of cancer and infarction in this population.

The Best Study Options

Some studies show that low concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

The accelerated development of atherosclerosis may be partly associated with vitamin D deficiency. As is well known, vitamin D deficiency is common in the elderly and has been implicated in psychiatric and neurological disorders and has been associated with poorer reasoning and memory performance. .

  • Currently, there are numerous scientific sources that demonstrate the need to not allow any people (whether patients with or without these diseases or disorders) to be kept with vitamin D deficiency.
  • But vitamin D deficiency is still a global health problem. The main source of vitamin D for most humans is sun exposure.
  • Factors that influence skin vitamin D production include the use of sunscreen, skin pigmentation, time of day, season, latitude, and aging. Individuals with a higher risk of having vitamin D deficiency and a higher risk of suffering serious complications resulting from this metabolic alteration, are:
  • At an advanced age (the skin of an elderly 70-year-old individual produces only a quarter of the amount of vitamin D produced by a 20-year-old);


Overweight (the fat accumulated under the skin hijacks vitamin D from the circulation, in general the need for vitamin D in these individuals is doubled in relation to a person of normal weight for the same height). With dark skin (melanin reduces the absorption of morning sunlight producing vitamin D), therefore they should be exposed to the sun more often or for a longer period of time, to ensure the ideal production of the vitamin.